📄️ Hardware Requirements
NEAR Validator Node Hardware Requirements
📄️ NEAR Validator Bootcamp 🚀
NEAR Validator Bootcamp
📄️ Run a Node
Compile and Run a NEAR Node without Container in localnet, testnet, and mainnet
📄️ Run a Node (Linux and MacOS)
How to run a NEAR node using nearup on Linux and MacOS, with or without using Docker
📄️ Run a Node (Windows)
How to run a NEAR node using `nearup` on Windows
📄️ Deploy Mainnet Staking Pool
Deploying a node on mainnet is similar to deploying one on testnet
📄️ Staking and Delegation
Staking is a process of sending StakeTransaction that informs the network that a given node intends to become a validator in upcoming epochs. This particular type of transaction must provide a public key and staking amount. After the transaction is sent, a node that has a private key associated with the public key in the staking transaction must wait until two epochs to become a validator.
📄️ Upgradeable Staking Pool
NEAR Protocol is launch an upgradeable staking pool contract with features include:
📄️ Exposing Validators' Metrics to Pagoda
Exposing Validator Metrics
📄️ Debug RPC and Debug Pages
Recently, we’ve added a set of debug pages, that allow you to see more details about how your node works.
📄️ Failover/backup node instruction