Upgradeable Staking Pool
NEAR Protocol is launch an upgradeable staking pool contract with features include:
- Upgradeability
- Stake farming
In the future, this upgradeable staking pool contract will also support action to stake to Chunk-Only Producers. The upgradeable staking contract's name on Testnet is factory01.littlefarm.testnet
. The contract name on Mainnet is pool.near
Deploy a New Staking Pool Contract​
Calls the staking pool factory, creates a new staking pool with the specified name, and deploys it to the indicated accountId.
For Testnet: (This call will not work as the code_hash
has not been added to the factory. Please stay tuned for announcement when this contract is ready.)
near call factory01.littlefarm.testnet create_staking_pool '{"staking_pool_id": "<poolId>", "owner_id": "<accountId>", "stake_public_key": "<public key in validator.json>", "reward_fee_fraction": {"numerator": 5, "denominator": 100}, "code_hash": "GGfKUF9TuAFN4AzbecPonNGuRTuVqx8UPXmViogN8pRm"}' --accountId="<accountId>" --amount=4 --gas=300000000000000
For Mainnet:
near call pool.near create_staking_pool '{"staking_pool_id": "<poolId>", "owner_id": "<accountId>", "stake_public_key": "<public key>", "reward_fee_fraction": {"numerator": 5, "denominator": 100}}' --accountId="<accountId>" --amount=4 --gas=300000000000000
In the example above, you need to replace:
- Pool ID: Staking pool name, the factory automatically adds its name to this parameter, creating {pool_id}.{staking_pool_factory}. Let's take
as an example:aurora.factory01.littlefarm.testnet
for testnetaurora.pool.near
for mainnet
- Owner ID: The NEAR account that will manage the staking pool. Usually your main NEAR account.
- Public Key: The public key in your validator_key.json file.
- 5: The fee that the pool will charge (e.g. in this case 5 over 100 is 5% of fees).
- Account Id: The NEAR account deploying the staking pool.
Be sure to have at least 4 NEAR available, it is the minimum required for storage in the new pool contract.
Once a new staking pool is deployed and associated now with the new node, you can start the stake migration to the new pool. To migrate stake, take a look at the Stake and Delegation page.
Submit a Proposal​
In order to have a validator seat, you must submit a proposal with a ping. A ping issues a new proposal and updates the staking balances for your delegators. A ping should be issued each epoch to keep reported rewards current.
near call <staking_pool_id> ping '{}' --accountId <accountId> --gas=300000000000000
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